What Evidence Does an Interpreter Need to Support an Invoice?

Owning or running a business is a demanding role to play.  Whether you own your own business or you are just in charge of running said business, you will have a long list of tasks necessary to make sure the business keeps running smoothly.  Accounts receivable is clearly an essential aspect of keeping the business going.  Timely sending out invoices and staying on top of any collection efforts will be central to making sure you get paid for the important services you have rendered to your clients.  If you provide interpreter services for workers’ compensation cases, you likely have already discovered that there are specific steps you must take to ensure you do not accidentally waive your right to be paid on time and in the full amount.  There are certain types of evidence that an interpreter will need to support their invoice and claim for payment.

First, you will need to provide proof of the date the services were rendered.  Meticulous recording keeping on your part is helpful, but a writing from the attorney or client who retained you is also important.  Even if your services are procured over the phone, send a follow up letter or email confirming that you have been booked to provide interpreter services on a specific day and at a specific time.  Make sure you or your employee keep track of how long it took to render those services and include that information in the invoice.

Second, you will want to provide proof of the service provided.  Again, this can be boosted by your own notes and schedule.  That said, as with the date of the service, include the type of service you are providing in your confirmation email or letter.  When you later send your invoice or if you are encountering resistance from the insurance provider, having the letter confirming the type of service will be helpful.

You will also want to back up your invoice with proof you or the interpreter working for you is properly certified.  To prevent any potential quarrel about the qualification of the interpreter and whether that impacts your right to receive payment for those services provided, back up your claim for payment with the interpreter’s certification number, as per the requirements of California law.

Evidence of the language translated can also help support your invoice.  The employer and the attorney are almost certainly familiar with the fact the injured employee typically or even always speaks in another language.  Especially where the language is one that is less common in your area, evidence of certification (or lack of state certification) in that specific language can help bolster your claim that you did indeed provide that service and you deserve to be paid.

Some logistical information can also help your claim for payment.  Your invoice needs to include the case name, including not only the name of the injured employee, but also the name of the insurance carrier and the employer as well.  The adjudication number and the claim number of the insurance carrier will also help to identify your invoices as belonging to that particular case.

These are just a few examples of evidence you will need to help support your invoice.  We have extensive experience helping our clients with interpreter collection in workers’ compensation cases, and we can talk with you about your evidence and how we can help you collect your invoices.  Contact us today for a consultation.

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When Can Interpreters Get Penalties and Interest for Carrier Delay?

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George Corson has handled our cases for a number of years, and has always obtained successful defenses. George is extremely knowledgeable about the applicable law, is proactive in his defense of the cases, and always keeps the client informed of the status of the case. George works well with witnesses in preparing a defense, and marshalls the facts in a manner that is properly presentable to the bench. I highly recommend George Corson.


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